Five Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants

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If you’ve found yourself with the unfortunate dilemma of losing an adult tooth and wondering how to handle this unsightly and embarrassing situation, you may be wondering if dental implants are a good option for you. The following questions should help you with this important decision.

1. What are dental implants?

There are two different types of dental implants – conventional and mini implants. Both are used for the same basic purpose – holding either a replacement tooth or a partial or full denture in place. Implants consist of a titanium “root” with a ball head, and an O-ring mechanism on the matching tooth or denture. When pressed together, the O-right snaps over the implanted socket, holding the tooth or denture firmly in place. Traditional implants have been used by dentists for a number of years, and have a proven track record. Mini implants are a newer innovation, but they are becoming increasingly popular with both dentists and patients alike.

2. Are dental implants right for me?

Whether you are better suited for traditional or mini implants depends on the thickness and density of your jawbone. If you’ve worn dentures for a long time, for example, your jawbone can erode over time, making traditional implants difficult without the need for a bone graft surgery to provide adequate anchoring. Mini implants are a more practical solution for all sorts of patients – bone-grafting procedures are rarely required. While mini implants are usually used for both smaller teeth – like incisors – as well as dentures, traditional implants are generally used for larger teeth, such as molars. The success rate for implants is extremely high – nearly 100% for lower implants, and around 90% for upper implants.

3. Are dental implants expensive?

Since no two patients will have the same treatment plan, the number of office visits and procedures naturally varies. But traditional implants can be relatively expensive – as much as $40,000 for both the upper and lower jawbones. Mini implants usually cost around ¼ to ½ that price, and can be as low as $5,000. Most offices also offer a monthly installment plan, allowing patients to spread payments out over time.

4. Are dental implants painful?

Traditional implants can be painful at first – the procedure to insert them involves “flap surgery,” or cutting away gum tissue, then inserting a few large implants into the jaw bone. Recuperation time for a traditional implant surgery can be as much as 3-4 months. Mini implants are inserted using a much smaller drill bit and screw, and discomfort frequently lasts around 48 hours.

5. How durable are dental implants?

Dental implants are extremely durable, and they will last for many years if properly cared for. The titanium screws are extremely durable, and artificial teeth can last for an extremely long time provided you practice good oral hygiene, such as daily brushing and flossing. At the dentist, special tools will be used to clean your dental implants, ensuring that they’re not damaged in the process.