No matter what industry you’re in, a strong presentation video can be a fantastic way to spread your message. And whether you’re presenting to another company, the public, investors, or even your own team, the rules for creating a strong video are pretty much the same. First and foremost: don’t suck. But how do you pull that off? Here are a few tips that should help.
Have a clear goal and structure for your video.
Your presentation video should be outlined just like a college term paper. It should have an introduction, a meaty center, and a conclusion that helps wrap up your point and reminds your audience why they’re there.
Familiarize yourself with your audience.
What does your audience actually want to hear? People like to do business with people who are like themselves. So what is your audience like? Are you presenting to bankers or winery owners? Will they be wearing suits or jeans and sport jackets? Speaking to your audience in their own language can help break down resistance to your message – make sure you know who they are.
Let your company’s personality shine through.
For better or worse, folks in our media-driven society have fairly short attention spans. Don’t bore them to death with a dry presentation video. Sprinkle humor and personality throughout, and you’ll find that people react to with greater interest and respond to your humanity.
Do a trial run.
Before you actually do your presentation in public, make sure to test the video out on a sample audience that understands what you’re hoping to achieve and get some solid feedback from people you trust to be honest. If that feedback doesn’t at least resemble a rousing “YES!” – ask what you can do to improve the presentation. And then listen. And, if needed, go back and make revisions until you have something that gets the reaction you’re hoping for.
Post your video online.
Encourage your audience not to take notes, and instead post the video online immediately afterward, where they can review the information.
Get too slaphappy.
Sure, you want to create an interesting presentation video. But don’t overdo it. You are, after all, running a business – kittens and twerking videos may get all the clicks online, but you want to be taken seriously and treated as a capable professional, end of day. Balance wit, humor, and personality with capability, integrity, and class.
Produce something low-quality.
Whether you produce the video in-house or hire outside help to shoot and edit, one of the fastest ways to lose credibility is by making something that looks… well, terrible. Don’t settle for anything that doesn’t represent your brand in a professional way. Bad lighting and bad audio are both major no-no’s that will make you look like a rank amateur.
Make the video too long.
Here we go, back to that pesky little attention-span issue again. No matter how clever or compelling your video may be, make sure it gets to the point and keeps things moving – otherwise you may notice your audience shifting in their seats and fiddling with their cellphones.
Leave your audience hanging.
Ideally, your video should have a call-to-action that creates some desire within your audience – a desire to change their behavior, to purchase your product, to reach out and make contact. Whatever it is you’re asking your audience to do, make sure you give them enough information to do it. Include concrete information like URLs, social media handles, contact numbers or email addresses – make sure they have a way to act upon your message.