Digital Strategy & Production

I was brought on to help Rosie O’Donnell establish her online presence following her high-profile departure from The View. With the release of her book Celebrity Detox and ongoing media attention, I worked to build a cohesive digital strategy, creating a sustainable model for her to connect with fans and generate income online.

Key Contributions

  • Directed all internet and webcam operations for Rosie O’Donnell, aligning her online activities with her broader brand vision.
  • Developed the content strategy and advertising model for, including a substantial budget to support long-term online initiatives.
  • Established a monetization strategy for, creating a profitable advertising model to leverage her online reach.
  • Led a comprehensive site redesign and architectural overhaul as part of the company’s rebranding efforts, coordinating approvals directly with Rosie.
  • Installed a network of wireless webcams in Rosie’s home to facilitate video blogging, enabling her to engage with fans through regular video content.